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May 2023

'Sleeping Beauty' for the Deaf Arts Festival NI at the MAC Theatre and NI tour. Supported by Arts Council NI, Belfast City Council, Halifax Foundation NI, Community Foundation NI.

March 2022
'Briar Rose: Escape the Deep Sleep'. Research and development week working on a new musical theatre piece which sees the modern day telling of Sleeping Beauty. Supported by Lyric Theatre, Belfast and Arts Council NI.

January - Ongoing
'Sunni Explores: Respecting Difference' live streamed directly into primary schools in NI week beginning  January - March 2022. Reaching 60,000 children aged 3 - 7 years.

Pips Riverboat Adventure draft 4.jpg

March 2021

'The World Around Me' is zooming into primary schools in NI week beginning 22nd March 2021


December 2020
Cre8 Theatre have partnered with Let's Go Hydro in Belfast in presenting their family friendly production of Jack
and the Beanstalk in the Drive In Cinema. Opens Saturday 5th December 2020. 

December 2020
Cre8 Theatre will be presenting their family friendly production of Jack and the Beanstalk - Live In Your living Room! A 55minute pantomime for Zoom.  First date is Wed 23rd December 2020 at 11am and more will be added on demand.

Screenshot 2020-09-09 at 21.48.16.png

September 2020
Cre8 have secured funding from Belfast City Council to work with the young people of North Belfast on community radio play Covid Voices 

Screenshot 2020-08-07 at 17.31.24.png

Chemo Express is a 6 part episodic audio adventure that follows the journey of a cancer patient from diagnosis through treatment.

May 2023

'Sleeping Beauty' for the Deaf Arts Festival NI, The MAC Theatre, Belfast.

March 2022
'Briar Rose: Escape the Deep Sleep'. Research and development week working on a new musical theatre piece which sees the modern day telling of Sleeping Beauty. Supported by Lyric Theatre, Belfast and Arts Council NI.

January - Ongoing
'Sunni Explores: Respecting Difference' live streamed directly into primary schools in NI week beginning  January - March 2022. Reaching 60,000 children aged 3 - 7 years.

Pips Riverboat Adventure draft 4.jpg

March 2021

'The World Around Me' is zooming into primary schools in NI week beginning 22nd March 2021


December 2020
Cre8 Theatre have partnered with Let's Go Hydro in Belfast in presenting their family friendly production of Jack
and the Beanstalk in the Drive In Cinema. Opens Saturday 5th December 2020. 

December 2020
Cre8 Theatre will be presenting their family friendly production of Jack and the Beanstalk - Live In Your living Room! A 55minute pantomime for Zoom.  First date is Wed 23rd December 2020 at 11am and more will be added on demand.

Screenshot 2020-09-09 at 21.48.16.png

September 2020
Cre8 have secured funding from Belfast City Council to work with the young people of North Belfast on community radio play Covid Voices 

Screenshot 2020-08-07 at 17.31.24.png

Chemo Express is a 6 part episodic audio adventure that follows the journey of a cancer patient from diagnosis through treatment.

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